White and red flower

Everest Inn - Blackheath

Everest Inn exterior - Blackheath

Please follow the below link to find out more about Everest Inn, Blackheath.


At the May BLC held at Zero Degrees, we raised a staggering £500 to help Nepal. For those present at the lunch, Yadav Bhandari gave an emotional speech about the plight of his country. Matt Kear, SME Commercial Relationships Manager at Lloyds Bank organised the collection and is seen handing over a presentation cheque to Yadav.

The real funds have been paid into the Everest Relief Fund to Nepal and are being used to purchase medicines, new tents and new blankets. Yadav will give us an update when we visit Everest Inn on Wednesday, 17 June for our next lunch.

Matt Kear hands Yadav Bhandari of Everest Inn a Nepal relief fund cheque

Matt Kear hands Yadav Bhandari of Everest Inn a Nepal relief fund cheque

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